Monday, January 07, 2008

There should be a rule against food commercials after 8pm! It certainly would help!! I'm trying not to be really really hungry, but I think I should probably crawl into bed if I expect to make it the rest of the night!

Bernard commented on my last post and reminded me of our meet up with Allison in Boston. I never blogged about it and wanted to share this photo of Bernard and Allison at Harvard!

Better late than never...


Bernard said...


That was such a nice day. I can't wait for the summer weather to really come back. Forget this teaser spring-like weather.

I do want to try and arrange a d-bloggers get-together sometime during this year. Just for a chat and a quick meal. More another day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mel.

I'm new to your site and have to say that your banner is flat-out GREAT! So is the "reason to love Bawston."

Mind if I add you to my BR?

Scott K. Johnson said...

Very cool!

mel said...

Jeff, that is fine... what's your blog address? Do I already have it?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mel.

Yes, you have Go Do A TEST!! listed already. THANKS.

Have a great weekend.