Thursday, April 12, 2007

i'm still here

Yea, I'm here, sitting in the back, reading but not commenting (much). I've left the very very occasional comment here and there, but most of the time I start to comment and say, "meh, I don't wanna." How very lame.

I guess I'm in a funk. Been here for a long while now. Been sick all winter on and off. Just meh. So, I'm here reading and half hiding under a rock I guess.

A1C jumped up almost a full point and had a lousy visit with my doctor--she was just rude. Lost weight for the OC challenge and gained it all back. Life's just frustrating some times!!


Chrissie in Belgium said...

Mel, bummers that you are having a rough time! I recognize the pattern - one step forward then two steps back and the suckiness of doctors...... I've been there. Don't give up! Things will turn. Soon you will be proceeding forward again. Please don't give up! I think seasons totally mess up D. Again, one of my weird hypotheses that has no scientific backing!

Penny Ratzlaff said...

Nice to hear from you again.

I hope things get better for you soon.

BetterCell said...

Hi Mel.....I like the colors on your Blog Site. Soon the real colors of Spring and Summer will arrive and should help you feel better

Scott K. Johnson said...

Hey Mel,

Glad to see an update from you - sorry to hear things have been a bit rough.

Ride it out and move forward again when you are ready. Sunshine and people may help. Get out for a coffee or something. Just to get out.

AmyT said...

Hi Mel,
Time to find a new doctor who treats you with respect...

btw, have you found me yet at Shall we exchange links?

Hang in there,

art-sweet said...
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art-sweet said...


The diabetes doldrums... they get us all from time to time. I'll be thinking of you.

Kerri. said...

I agree - ditch the rude doctor. You deserve someone who will help you take better care of yourself!!

Glad you're still popping around. :)

George said...

You are not alone Mel. I too really like your banner!

Take it easy and thanks for making my blog a "here" or "there."
